Richard F. Ames (1936-2024) | Page 38 | Tomorrow's World

Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

The Day of the Lord

Scripture tells of a time at the end of this age when God will strike down rebellious mankind to prepare for the return of Jesus Christ.

Teach Me to Pray

Nations all over the world have suffered from the 2009 financial crisis. Investors have lost trillions of dollars, euros, pounds and yen. How can we meet these challenges? You can have more confidence and faith if you pray to God Almighty. God has given us promises you can count on. But, you need to claim those promises through prayer.

Why Bible Prophecy?

Bible prophecy is history written in advance. How important is it, or should it be, in our daily lives? Is Bible prophecy a subject for scholars and history buffs, or can it make a difference in how you live your life today? The answer may surprise you!

Persevere in Prayer

Do you know what it takes to be sure that your prayers are heard? Are you receiving the answers you want and need? Your Bible reveals powerful strategies that can revolutionize your prayers!

You Can Understand Prophecy!

If you read your daily newspaper, or follow the news on the Internet, you know that we live in dangerous times. But did you know that we are living in what your Bible calls the end-times? With so many deadly threats to planet Earth and all the life upon it, can we really know the future of our world? Yes, we can! Bible prophecy reveals specific prophetic events that you need to recognize!
