Richard F. Ames (1936-2024) | Page 34 | Tomorrow's World

Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

Revelation: A Message of Warning... and Hope!

Why are some beliefs called "mainstream" and others cursed as abominable or worse? How can you tell a heretic from a true Christian? History reveals some surprising ironies!

There Must Be National and Personal Repentance!

As most of you long-time readers are well aware, we at Tomorrow’s World have for many years been preaching the good news of God’s coming Kingdom, and warning the Western nations that unless they repent of their increasingly godless and immoral ways, God will judge them severely.

Watch the Middle East

Israel and its neighbors are at the heart of age-old conflicts long ago prophesied in your Bible—conflicts that will intensify at the end of this age, leading to the return of Jesus Christ!

You Can Understand the Bible

Does the Bible make sense to you? Or are its secrets and mysteries hard to fathom? The exciting truth is that the Bible is filled with encouraging and life-changing information that you can understand, if you know the vital keys for Bible study!

Questions Evolution Cannot Answer

Does the theory of evolution explain the origin of the amazing variety of life on Earth? Can it account for the intricate processes in the molecular realm of DNA and RNA? Even scientists acknowledge that there are many questions evolution cannot answer. Amazingly, despite the disbelief of atheists and skeptics, your Bible does have the answers!
