News and Prophecy Staff | Page 95 | Tomorrow's World

News and Prophecy Staff

Macron Makes Waves in Europe

Since French President Emmanuel Macron came to power as a Eurocentric change agent, he has passionately advocated for a stronger Europe and consistently pushed for greater centralization of European power. A Deutsche Welle article stated that Mr. Macron commented in a recent interview on how “US leadership caused the ‘brain death’ of NATO” (November 10, 2019). In Germany, both Chancellor Merkel and Foreign Minister Heiko Maas have publicly disagreed with Mr.

Even More Fires!

In California, wildfires continue to burn and destroy homes and property. Hundreds of thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes as strong winds and dry conditions fan fires to ever greater intensities. Planned blackouts, designed to reduce the risk of fire due to faulty electrical equipment, have also put millions of people in the dark.

America’s Religious Decline

According to interview data recently released by the PEW Research Center, the percentage of Americans labeling themselves as “Christian” has fallen significantly in the last ten years (October 17, 2019). In addition, significantly fewer attend church services regularly.

The Need for Justice

On October 14, thirteen state police officers in Mexico’s western state of Michoacán were ambushed and massacred by a fast-growing local drug cartel (The Guardian, November 5, 2019). The police were outnumbered, outgunned, and wore subpar protective gear.

Talking to Children Helps Them Learn

Many are aware that reading to young children helps their brains develop. A host of recent research studies have further highlighted the positive impact that conversation with young children has on their learning and brain development (BBC, October 1, 2019). It is not enough for children just to hear conversation occurring around them, and it is not the number of words they hear that matters most.
