News and Prophecy Staff | Page 288 | Tomorrow's World

News and Prophecy Staff

Rumors of war.

Tensions in a resource-rich region of central Asia threaten to disrupt a 25-year ceasefire between Armenia and Azerbaijan.  The two nations signed a treaty after the Nagorno-Karabakh War (1988-1994).  However, in a direct provocation, Azerbaijani troops entered Armenia and killed three out-of-uniform soldiers.  An Armenian military source stated, “The killing is a clear provocation, we have not reacted yet.  I underline: ‘Yet’.”  The “war rumor” has raised concerns in the EU, Russia, and the U.S. due to the critical importance of the region.

Muslim Brotherhood aims for Jerusalem.

Recently, a radical Muslim preacher told thousands of Muslim Brotherhood supporters in Egypt, “We can see how the dream of the Islamic caliphate is being realized, God willing, by Dr. Mohamed Mursi [the movement’s presidential candidate]... The capital of the caliphate—the capital of the United States of the Arabs—will be Jerusalem, God willing… Our capital shall not be in Cairo, Mecca or Medina… Yes, Jerusalem is our goal. We shall pray in Jerusalem, or die as martyrs on its threshold.”

Meltdown of Eurozone?

The mounting debt crisis in Greece is again prompting talk that Greece will or should depart from the Eurozone!  Respected columnist Roger Bootle writes in London’s Telegraph newspaper that Greece’s departure from the Eurozone and its return to the drachma may be the only way for Greece to recover from its insurmountable debt.  Returning to the drachma will allow it to print enough money to continue functioning.  European and U.S.

Despisers of what is good!

The day after North Carolina approved a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage, Barack Obama became the first U.S. President to publically endorse homosexual marriage (, May 9, 2012).  His comments stirred controversy around the globe.

Germany & Iranian Nuclear Power.

At a recent Jewish Global Forum meeting in Washington, German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle stated, “the international community will block Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon… The current Iranian nuclear program represents an enormous danger, not only to Israel but to the region as a whole.”  Germany, as a northern European nation, has recently become more outspoken in regard to Iran. Although Mr. Westerwelle advocates more negotiations with Iran, he has clearly stated that there is a limit to Germany’s patience if Iran continues to threaten Israel.
