News and Prophecy Staff | Page 273 | Tomorrow's World

News and Prophecy Staff

Will the U.S. Drought Continue?

In the middle of winter few people, other than farmers, worry about precipitation. Most would prefer not to have any, as most of it comes as snow or ice. Few realize how vital and important winter precipitation is in recharging our soils with moisture and protecting our perennial crops.

A United Korean Peninsula?

The Supreme Leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, has called for the end of hostilities and unification between North and South Korea. During his new year’s address, he stated:  “An important issue in putting an end to the division of the country and achieving its reunification is to remove confrontation between the north and the south” (Reuters, January 1, 2013).

Russian-Indian Arms Deal

According to Russian President Putin, military cooperation between Russia and India has reached “unprecedented levels” (BBC, December 24, 2012).

Ugandan President Leads Nation in Repentance

The African nation of Uganda celebrated its jubilee in October, marking 50 years of independence from Britain. During the national “week of prayer,” its professing Christian president, Yoweri Museveni, led the nation in a prayer of repentance and dedication to God (New Vision, October 18, 2012).

Syrian Saga Continues

As Syria’s President Assad clings to power, rebel forces tighten their grip on Damascus. Rebels have captured military bases and are now closing in on Damascus, as Assad’s regime bombs more of the city’s suburbs.
