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News and Prophecy Staff

Britain vs. Germany?

“Unnamed sources in the German government told the German weekly Der Spiegel that UK plans to place a cap on unskilled EU migrants would be a step too far for the German Chancellor… ‘Should Cameron persist [in this plan], chancellor Angela Merkel would abandon her efforts to keep Britain in the EU. With that a point of no return would be reached’” (EU Observer, November 3, 2014).

The Power of Mary

Recently, the Roman pope celebrated the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows and observed, “These two women—Mary and the Church [the Catholic Church]—carry on the hope that is Christ, they give us Christ, they bring forth Christ in us.

Future of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers

Tigris and Euphrates river waters have been receding over the last decade as northern Iraq and Syria experience ongoing drought (Geopolitical Monitor, August 11, 2014). According to a recent analysis, “Some of the more extreme projections hold that, owing to a combination of climate change and upstream dam activity, the Tigris and Euphrates rivers won’t have sufficient flow to reach the sea by as early as 2040” (ibid.). 

Canadian Capital Attacked!

Last week’s attacks on the Canadian parliament and the murder of an honor guard at the National War Memorial in the nation’s capital of Ottawa were sobering. They followed closely a vehicular attack on two soldiers two days earlier in Quebec (Associated Press, October 24, 2014). The shooting attacks shook the capital city of Ottawa and the whole nation.

Where Have All the Animals Gone?

The World Wildlife Fund recently reported that “The world populations of fish, birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles fell overall by 52 percent between 1970 and 2010, far faster than previously thought” (Reuters, September 29, 2014). Two major reasons cited for the dramatic drop in animal numbers are loss of natural habitat and exploitation from over-hunting and over-fishing (ibid.).  
