Josh Lyons | Page 10 | Tomorrow's World

Josh Lyons

Trump Versus Biden and the Future of America

Come November, millions of Americans will vote (or will have already voted) for Mr. Donald Trump or Mr. Joe Biden to be president in what has been predicted to be one of the most important elections in United States history. Elections will also be held to choose many leaders in Congress. And there’s more! The Senate will soon decide on the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, which would likely mean a significant conservative swing of the Court.

The Future is Brighter Than You Can Imagine

It feels like bad news bombards us on every front these days. Sometimes, I mentally wince before tapping on a news app because it’s usually full of troubling headlines. The COVID-19 pandemic seems to have intensified many already existing problems, and the continual cycle of stressful news has caused increased suffering from stress, anxiety, and depression, as many articles have recently shown.

Seek the Compassion of Christ

Teardrop or rain on dry dusty ground

Jesus was often moved with compassion for those in need. Will you learn from His example?

"Jesus Wept"

Jesus was often moved with compassion for those in need. Will you learn from His example?

Music of Praise in the Bible

People who love the Bible know that many of its scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation, reference songs, singing, and music. Praising God in song is a beautiful and enjoyable way to express love, adoration, and gratitude, along with appropriate emotion, to God the Father—and sometimes can even be a healthy way to express sorrow and sadness.
