Josh Lyons | Page 7 | Tomorrow's World

Josh Lyons

When Tomorrow Becomes Today

I often think of the relentlessness of time—second by second, the future turns into the past and plans become memories. Every human being equally experiences time’s unrelenting “forward march,” which is always a constant pace, with seconds, minutes, and hours marking the transition of tomorrows into todays and todays into yesterdays.

The Uninspired Book of Enoch

Apocrypha scroll Hebrew text

Did the Apostle Jude quote from a missing book of the Bible? Just what is the Book of Enoch, anyways?

Keep an Eye on This Important American Statistic

Recently, while driving through a mid-sized town, I saw a prominent flagpole flying the American flag—a flag that, as an American, myself, I have always loved and have been very thankful to call “my flag.” On that same flagpole, a little farther down, was another flag blowing in the wind—the “LGBT pride” flag. This is a common sight today, as many institutions of government, business, sports, and entertainment champion the LGBT movement.

What Is Wrong with the Book of Enoch?

The Book of Enoch has gained popularity in recent years, as indicated by a large variety of recent YouTube videos sporting millions of views. It was also a source of inspiration for parts of Darren Aronofsky’s 2014 film Noah. (You can read our blunt review of that film here.) With a recent increase in the popularity of the Book of Enoch, and its alleged quote in the New Testament, let’s take a brief look at this mysterious book. Is it really an authentic biblical source?
