Gerald E. Weston | Page 49 | Tomorrow's World

Gerald E. Weston

Keys to Happiness

All of us want to be happy, but true lasting happiness alludes many. Are you truly happy? Discover 5 biblical keys that promise to lead to true happiness. These keys can give you direction, meaning and purpose. They can also add greater richness to an already happy life.

Discerning the Signs of the Times

Wars, political strife and economic crises have become part of everyday life. Where is it all headed? Discover six biblical predictions used as signs to discern the importance of the times we are living in.

The Biblical Holy Days - Part 2

One prophetic theme throughout the Bible is found in the seven annual festivals given to Israel. Christians who observe them today understand that these Holy Days foreshadow future events. Learn what they show is in store for the world and for you!

The Biblical Holy Days - Part 1

Why do most professing Christians forsake the observance of the Holy Days mentioned in their own Bible and substitute holidays that were never celebrated by Jesus Christ or His Apostles? Does it really matter which days we keep? What do God's Holy Days reveal about your future?

Secrets to Happiness

Why are so many in our modern world unable to find lasting happiness? Do you realize that there are causes for happiness as well as definable reasons why people are unhappy? Many seek happiness in material possessions, but King Solomon described this as vanity as nothing we accumulate will last forever. Learn the biblical secrets to true, lasting happiness.
