Gary F. Ehman (1937–2021) | Page 4 | Tomorrow's World

Gary F. Ehman (1937–2021)

Really, I am thankful

Jesus Christ said in Matthew 6:25: "Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?"

If the Savior of all mankind says that, why then, am I always worried about these things? Another house payment; the furnace is getting older; food prices are getting to be ridiculous; my best suit is getting a bit frayed (have you seen what the new ones cost?) Did I mention about the car?

Why is a kid like you out on a night like this?

The headlines glaringly scream: "Sex Offenders See New Limits for Halloween"; "Plan Ahead and Avoid Halloween Violence"; "Halloween: A Very Dangerous Day for Children"; "Halloween Costumes Cause Pedestrian Accidents"; "Police Warn about Drugged Candy."

It's that time of the year again; pumpkins, witches, goblins, black cats, bats and vampires swirl around in the heads of children as they plan their annual assault on the neighborhood to get treats while threatening tricks.

Weather disasters around the world

The death toll in China caused by Typhoon Saomai has reached over three hundred, and dozens of people are still missing according to officials. That number could still rise dramatically.

The teen massacre madness continues

Two more chilling stories of thwarted teenage school massacre plots have stunned Americans once again. Police, in April, uncovered a plan by five Riverton, Kansas teenage boys just hours before the attack. Several days later, police arrested six North Pole, Alaska seventh-graders planning to kill students and teachers.

Marked for life

Picture a boy dangling from meat hooks, his flesh torn by the hooks jabbed into his backside. This shocking image could come straight from Dante's Inferno, or from a woodcut depicting prisoners tortured in the deep, dark dungeons of a medieval castle. But this modern young man's wounds are self-inflicted — a bizarre example of the new-age art form of self-mutilation.
