Gary F. Ehman (1937–2021) | Page 3 | Tomorrow's World

Gary F. Ehman (1937–2021)

See that you be not troubled...

Mental Health experts around the world report, with growing concern, that stress—physical and mental—continues to erode away the edges of society, resulting in increased suicides, family abandonment, elder abuse and run-away children. Heading the list of symptoms for this growing world health crisis is depression, defined as one's inability to cope with the immediate to the point of breakdown and withdrawal.

Abortion: A Deadly Game of Terminology

What do the terms "thalamocortical pathways," "nociception," "peripheral sensory receptors" and "asynchronous" have in common? They are all words now used in the escalated, seemingly more sophisticated pro-abortion stance of the medical community. Based on a study by a team of medical experts published in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), abortion supporters now claim that early fetuses in the womb do not feel the pain of the abortion procedures, so therefore they are not really human.

Template or temple?

A recent column in an east coast newspaper, syndicated across America, took a light-hearted look at one of the most disturbing of modern issues: sex realignment surgery and the resultant impact on a new life.

A recent Boston Globe column by writer Ellen Goodman explored the murky world of a woman who decided to change her physical body to match what she decided was her true inward reality – a man.

Religious "behavior" modification

A short news story out of Cincinnati, Ohio is a grim reminder of the child-abuse sex scandals that rocked the religious world over the past several years. The Archdiocese of Cincinnati has provided its priests with the latest list of "inappropriate" behavior regarding children.

Behold, a Black Horse

Grocery store shelves empty, food-lines riots breaking out, reports of people killing and stealing from one another are scenarios, too frequently, seen on the evening cable news channels in the war-torn and disaster-plagued countries of the third world.

But could such scenes ever be duplicated in the richest nations of the world, nations such as the United States, Great Britain, France or Australia?
