Editorial Staff | Page 52 | Tomorrow's World

Editorial Staff

Letters to the Editor

The article "The Truth About Hell", in the July-August issue was right on the point. It comes from Scripture and proves that the "rapture" false teachings are just that; false teaching. Many people have been fooled by this and will not be ready for the Lord's second coming. I always said the scriptures were pointing to the second coming, not a rapture to take us away from tribulation. As we are living in the "last days" we should be watching and be ready for the return of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
K. W., Crawfordville, FL

Questions and Answers

What kind of Christmas are you dreaming of? Should you be dreaming of it?

Letters to the Editor

Dear Tomorrow's World, I have been receiving your magazine for many years now. It has opened my eyes to the truth and I now know that many traditions such as Easter egg hunts and the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, the Christmas tree and gift giving, and Halloween are not something we should follow as Christians. Your articles are always filled with many biblical truths and are eye opening. Thank you for sending this to me free of charge. I truly appreciate it. I have also received many booklets from you, which have been a blessing to me.

Questions and Answers

Awkward English grammar should not stop us from understanding God's Word

Letters to the Editor

Thanks very much for the books and the magazines. Where will I start or how will I start to appreciate how much your publications have blessed me and people around me? You see the things that are happening around the world, many people see it just as random events and conflict but the Fourteen Signs Announcing Christ's Return booklet really polished my understandings and opened my eyes to discover new things.

T. I., Limbe, Cameroon
