Editorial Staff | Page 28 | Tomorrow's World

Editorial Staff

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Thank you. I was asking God to reveal to me the one true church that leads to Him. I never asked Him this before now. Here you are as an answer. [Written in response to the free booklet, Where Is God’s True Church Today?]
Email from Reader

Letters to the Editor

I want to thank you ever so much for the very informative DVD entitled “The Antichrist and the Beast of Revelation” that I received. As soon as I reached my home, I sat down and played the first section of it and found it extremely interesting. It makes me wonder why other churches don’t preach such important messages to their flock—but I think I can guess the reason why.

Letters to the Editor

I received my November-December magazine​ and, as always, I flipped through the pages. When I got to the “Oh Canada” page, my eyes were very quick to see the community name just north of us, Gjoa Haven, and I thought to myself, “What’s Tomorrow’s World or the word of God got to do with one of the Inuit communities up here?” I began to read it… Then, my eyes start to fill up with tears reading something I didn’t expect to read [about] the Inuit. It is really humbling to read something like that… Thanks for seeing us, the Inuit, that way.
