Editorial Staff | Page 26 | Tomorrow's World

Editorial Staff

Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers

The Difficult Way and the Light Burden

Question: If the gate is narrow and the way difficult, as Jesus Christ stated in Matthew 7:13–14, then how could His yoke be easy and His burden light (Matthew 11:30)? Please explain this apparent contradiction.

Answer: At first glance, this may appear to be a contradiction, but in fact, it is not. To answer your question, we need to understand each passage, beginning with Matthew 7:13–14.

Letters to the Editor

I first saw your literature at a doctor’s office, started reading it, and was so impressed by it that I asked the lady at the desk if I could take it with me. Then I received a magazine from a friend who picked it up and gave it to me because he knew I liked reading that type of magazine. So I decided to send for it. It has helped me understand what I read in the Bible and what we discuss at Bible study at church. Thank you so much for your free literature and for the encouragement I receive through reading your magazine.
Subscriber in Florida

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Gerald Weston’s “Tame the Social Media Monster” [in the March-April 2018 issue] are my sentiments to the letter! As an elementary school teacher, now retired, I saw the evolution of students’ social behaviors before my very eyes, and none of it was positive. I taught second graders, age seven, from 1973 to 2007. I would like to order the booklet for parents that you have suggested for my daughter and son-in-law to read for my grandchild’s sake.
Reader in New York

Questions and Answers

Can Christians eat anything they want?

Question: Jesus said, “Do you not perceive that whatever enters a man from outside cannot defile him, because it does not enter his heart but his stomach, and is eliminated, thus purifying all foods?” (Mark 7:18–19). Does this mean Christians can eat anything they want?

Answer: People sometimes use Mark 7:18–19 to justify their desire to eat foods the Bible calls “unclean.” It is important, however, to understand this verse in context in order to truly appreciate what Christ was teaching.

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

This teaching [the booklet Twelve Keys to Answered Prayer] is absolutely life changing. It’s scary because for as long as I’ve been a Christian, I’ve been doing praying wrong, and if not for this teaching I would be still lost. It was after midnight and I couldn’t sleep. I was thinking to myself about the questions of how to pray or how do we know if we are praying right. That’s when I stumbled on this booklet.
E-mail from a Reader
