J. Davy Crockett III | Page 54 | Tomorrow's World

J. Davy Crockett III

Where are the Leaders?

It is interesting to see the various personalities emerge under intense questioning and pressure from their peers. Sadly, we seem to have a dearth of strong leaders, men and women with a long track record of accomplishment and good ideas for dealing with the problems of our nation and the world; leaders with a consistent set of values and moral credibility. Certainly, the nation cries out for leadership as we deal with problems of national security, the economy, health care, a spiraling crime rate, etc.

Empathy for a friend

I have a friend who suffers a lot. He is not an old guy, but it seems like his body is old before its time. He has the kind of dogged health problems that when one symptom gets better, another infirmity breaks out.

When one procedure is complete, something else needs to be done just to keep him going. And through it all, he maintains a good attitude, though it must wear thin at times. Not being able to do the things he wants to do and needs to do grates on his nerves, as he battles pain and tries to cope with daily activities that most of us take for granted.

The next generation

Is anything grander than holding a newborn grandchild, healthy, content, sleeping soundly, safe in your arms? The months of waiting now over and the labor of delivery already being forgotten in the realization of the anticipated birth. God certainly knows how to start people!

What, me worry?

Remember the old MAD Magazine character, Alfred E. Neuman, whose line was "What, me worry?" It was a humorous spoof making light of the need to worry about anything. Worry is a mental exercise that all of us engage in, though some more than others. It doesn't produce anything. It uses up valuable time and resources, and it doesn't give us joy or peace of mind.

A Prediction for 2007

As the Roman calendar rolls forward another year, folks pause, if ever so briefly, to contemplate where they have been and where they are going. Uncertainty and unease about the future can be very unsettling. What will the new year bring? What can you expect in your life and on the world scene in the next 12 months?
