J. Davy Crockett III | Page 50 | Tomorrow's World

J. Davy Crockett III

The singers

Some folks go through life singing, no matter what their circumstances. Such was a friend of mine, a little lady named Elsie, who died May 8, 2009 at the age of 95. One of the last things she did was to sing a hymn with her friends at her nursing home.

The shadow…

My family walked in the shadow of death this last year.  Not a pleasant subject, to be sure, but one that was thrust upon us nonetheless.  I lost my mother in April, 2008. She was elderly and infirm, and for the last two years of her life suffered from the scourge of Alzheimer's disease.  So, while it was sad to close that chapter, it was not unexpected, nor was it tragic. It was quite naturally her time to die, as it states in book of Ecclesiastes, chapter 3.

A Handful With Quietness

Tired of politics? Sick of the political commercials attacking the other candidate or party? Had enough of the sarcasm, innuendo, half truths and spin?  Fed up with the endless analysis by the talking heads on the networks and cable channels?  You are not alone!  Most Americans have endured enough of this seemingly endless campaign for the nation's highest office and the myriad of other national, state and local races.

The poor

The campaign rhetoric in the United States had much to say about the "poor." This word is rather vague and has various definitions, depending upon the perspective of the person using the term. Like the word "rich" it means different things to different people or groups. Poverty, like beauty, tends to be in the eye of the beholder.

Picking up the pieces

As one who has walked through the aftermath of many disasters – having represented insurance companies for decades as a claims adjuster – my attention was really grabbed by the pictures of the devastation wrought by Hurricane Ike, and other recent storms.
