Telecasts | Tomorrow's World


Three Trends in Global Affairs

  • Michael Heykoop

How do you separate the news from the noise? This is one of the many challenges of living in the information age. In decades past, the news was a one-hour event where news anchors would describe a handful of...


Seven Signs of the Second Coming

  • Richard F. Ames

Have you considered the prospect of ultimate doomsday for planet Earth? What does your Bible predict? Your Bible reveals specific events leading to the end of this age. Your Bible also predicts the awesome...


The Watchman's Warning

  • Gerald E. Weston

The biblical prophet Ezekiel was given what would appear on the surface to be one of the strangest commissions ever given: act as a watchman, taking a warning to a people he would never see for a time long...


Unlock Bible Prophecy!

  • Wallace G. Smith

Many people study their Bibles faithfully, but there is a large part of the Bible that eludes many: Bible Prophecy. Its symbols and ancient references can seem confusing and bewildering. The good news is that...


The Marketing of Greed

  • Stuart Wachowicz

We can all desire a commodity, an improvement or achievement, without being driven by greed. Greed is more than desire. It is, as the definition stated, a craving for MORE than one needs. It is often...


Why Does God Allow Pandemics?

  • Gerald E. Weston

Some see Covid-19 as a wake-up call, that maybe we are not pleasing our Creator. One thing we know for sure: Our world will never be the same. This crisis is evolving so rapidly that it is impossible to...


The Future Restoration of Rome

  • Michael Heykoop

More than 2000 years ago, the legions of Rome ventured from their isolated peninsula and dominated the Mediterranean, Middle East and much of Europe for hundreds of years. The political system and ideals...


What is BIBLICAL Christianity?

  • Richard F. Ames

Have you ever wondered why some people reject Christianity? Some professing Christians teach doctrines that to any thinking person seem totally strange and unreasonable. For example, some teach that even if...


Can Jerusalem Survive?

  • Gerald E. Weston

Nowhere is the specter of war more probable than in the volatile Middle East.  It’s a dangerous place when policymakers are, as Mikhail Gorbachev says, “confused and at a loss.” Conflicts that start small in...


The Origin of Satan the Devil

  • Wallace G. Smith

There is a malevolent entity in the world, whose influence is felt at virtually every level of society. That entity is Satan the devil. Though he is a familiar figure to many people, there are also many...


The Collapse of World Order

  • Stuart Wachowicz

In the 31 years between 1914 and 1945 the world experienced two of the most devastating wars in human history. By the time the guns fell silent in August 1945, more than 77 million lives had been claimed. In...


Evolution on Trial

  • Gerald E. Weston

Is evolution the fact you’ve been told it is? Or is there reason to doubt Darwin? You may be surprised at how many, highly educated scientists are skeptics of his theory, and instead find science siding more...

