Telecasts | Tomorrow's World


The Truth About the Immortal Soul

  • Richard F. Ames

One of the most commonly accepted traditions in religions around the world is the concept of the immortal soul. Do human beings truly possess immortal souls? In this program, the truth about this concept is...


Who Will Invade the Middle East?

  • Richard F. Ames

The City of Jerusalem is the most important city in the world. Historically, Crusaders and Arabs battled over the city. Even in modern times, the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians portends more...


The Ninth Commandment

  • Richard F. Ames

Lying and deception are so common in the world that they are almost considered second nature to humanity. Can any society steeped in disrespect for the truth last long? How does God view the transgression of...


When Will the Great Tribulation Begin?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

In this program, Roderick Meredith addresses the coming punishment that God will pour out on the world at large. Terrible times are coming, especially for the professing Christian world, but you can understand...


Unlocking the Book of Revelation

  • Richard F. Ames

One of the greatest mysteries in the Bible is the Book of Revelation. The vast majority of Christians do not understand this vital part of God’s word. However, the Bible contains the keys to understanding...


What's Ahead for 2002?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Are there solutions to the world’s problems to be found anywhere? Yes, there are, and they can be found in the Bible. In this program, Roderick Meredith explores Bible prophecy, and how it will affect world...


Does God Exist?

  • Richard F. Ames

Ninety-six percent of Americans say they believe in God, but can we really know? Join us as Richard Ames explains how we can prove to ourselves that God is real, and that He is in control of the future! This...


Earth in Turmoil

  • Richard F. Ames

Life on planet earth is in constant danger, and modern science has revealed that earthquakes, volcanoes, and even meteors of sufficient magnitude can end all life on the planet. Join us as Richard Ames...


Law or Grace?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

In this program, Roderick Meredith takes on one of the most deceptive and destructive misconceptions in the world today. Did Christ’s sacrifice do away with God’s laws, or is there a truth that involves both...


What is Your Future Job?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

If you are a Christian, what should you look forward to doing, in this life and the next? In this program, Roderick Meredith looks at what the Bible tells us about God’s future plans. True Christianity has an...


Dangers Of The Occult

  • Richard F. Ames

Are occult practices, such as séances, astrology, and “magic” tricks harmless and entertaining, or are they deadly to our spiritual and physical lives? Richard Ames presents valuable and timely insight into...


Does God Answer Your Prayers?

  • Richard F. Ames

Have you ever felt frustrated with prayer? The Bible has much to say about the subject of prayer, and Richard Ames talks in this edition of Tomorrow’s World how God expects His followers to pray. Have you ever...

