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Your Bible clearly reveals that Jesus Christ will return to planet Earth as King of Kings! He will set up a genuine government of God, right here on Earth. But do you know when He will return? Do you know...
WatchThe Middle East has for many years been a source of conflict and turmoil. Your Bible foretells that at the end of this present age, this region will be the flashpoint of a World War of unprecedented scale....
WatchDisasters leave a mark long after they have passed. People still hope for the best, and are look forward to the return of the former good times. What lessons can we learn about preparing for the future and...
WatchWhat is the "Day of the Lord"? It is not what most assume. The Day of the Lord, prophesied in both the Old and New Testaments, is a time of trouble that will befall our world just before the return of Jesus...
WatchIs God real to you? Is He an active presence in your life, or is He a distant and unknown figure? Maybe you think of God as an impersonal force that does not care about you personally. There is a way you can...
WatchThe institution of marriage is under assault today as never before. As appalling as divorce dates are, co-habitation has obscured the true picture as many couples couple and de-couple without formally entering...
WatchThousands of religious groups claim to represent the true teachings of Jesus Christ. Yet many of these groups teach doctrines entirely contradictory to each other. Is there a Church today that truly represents...
WatchWhich day should Christians observe as the Sabbath? Does it even matter? Historians and theologians plainly acknowledge that Jesus and the first Christians kept the seventh-day Sabbath. Should we be doing the...
WatchIt is interesting how most people profess to know that money does not make happiness, but they live as though they believe just the opposite. Some have far more than they need, but sadly, they think they need...
WatchOur world is filled with pain and suffering, war and violence, disease and famine and other sorrows that constantly afflict us. But God has promised a soon-coming time of peace and prosperity for the whole...
WatchThe book of Revelation describes four mysterious "horsemen" whose ride will bring devastation to planet Earth. Will you recognize them when they ride? What can you do to prepare—or be spared? You need to know!
WatchJust when we think we are over one crisis, another seems to come right along. Is the media just reporting too much news for us to absorb? Or are we approaching the end of the world as we know it? What we can...