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Published in 1859, On the Origin of the Species by Charles Darwin has been referred to as “one of the most important books ever written.” It has truly changed the world. It is difficult to quantify how much of...
WatchOur world is in turmoil and the foundations of civilization are crumbling beneath us. From marriage to abortion to gender identity, society is descending into confusion and chaos. But there is hope for today...
WatchToday we live in a world filled with violence, hatred, jealousy, and brutality. Why? Why can't man seem to find the way to peace and harmony? Why can't we find the way to end war, divorce, and conflict with...
WatchWe all know that rabbits don’t really lay eggs. But what is really behind Easter and the popular customs surrounding it? You need to know!
WatchWhy do most professing Christians forsake the observance of the Holy Days mentioned in their own Bible and substitute holidays that were never celebrated by Jesus Christ or His Apostles? Does it really matter...
WatchWould a good God send people to Hell? Who is in Hell right now? What will sinners experience in Hell? For that matter, what is Hell? You need to know!
WatchMost people have heard of the Bible’s leading figure, Jesus Christ, but few understand His message! More than two billion people profess Christianity yet act contrary to His teachings. Why has His message been...
WatchWho or what is this mysterious figure? Watch and learn how you can recognize the rise of the Beast, and keep you and your loved ones safe!
WatchBible prophecy is history written in advance. How important is it, or should it be, in our daily lives? Is Bible prophecy a subject for scholars and history buffs, or can it make a difference in how you live...
WatchThousands of years ago, Ezekiel recorded warnings and promises of God that are intended for our time, now! For most, Ezekiel’s message is a mystery, but you can understand God’s message for the modern world,...
WatchThe First World War was declared to be "the war to end all wars," yet a short 21 years later the world was plunged into another global conflict. The League of Nations and eventually the United Nations were...
WatchGermany’s role is foretold in prophecy. Germany will lead Europe. She will rearm. She will go to war. God will correct Germany at the return of Christ. Germany will also repent and rebuild. Let’s review...