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The world we once knew no longer exists. Many have the feeling that something is terribly wrong in the world and that they are helpless to change it. Where are these changes going? Have our nations become...
WatchOur world is in turmoil and the foundations of civilization are crumbling beneath us. From marriage to abortion to gender identity, society is descending into confusion and chaos. But there is hope for today...
WatchGambling is big business. Not all gambling revolves around games of money. You may not realize that you have bet big on the most important decision of your life. Today it is fashionable to reject God, but...
WatchWe all know that rabbits don’t really lay eggs. But what is really behind Easter and the popular customs surrounding it? You need to know!
WatchHave you ever thought, “If I knew then what I know today, I would have…” and you fill in the blank? Most of us would do some things differently with the advantage of hindsight. We cannot change the past, but...
WatchBible prophecy is moving forward rapidly, and there are specific keys that you need to know, to understand the times leading up to the return of Jesus Christ.
WatchIn the 6th century BC, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon took thousands of captives from Jerusalem and the surrounding territories. Virtually all of these captives remain nameless to us today. However, a few...
WatchDr. Roderick Meredith was one of the first evangelists ordained by Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong in 1952 and spent 64 years in the ministry. His life was a life of faith and service, preaching the “Good News” of...
WatchAs shocking as it may be, the church Jesus founded is nothing like the many churches calling themselves by His name. This is fact and can be easily proven. A brief reading of the New Testament reveals many...
WatchWhat would Jesus Christ say about the festivities going on in His name each year? What does your Bible say about Christ’s birth? You need to know!
WatchThe concept of live for today and forget about tomorrow permeates much of our post-modern culture, especially among our youth. It is the nihilistic refrain of meaninglessness and is the natural outcome of...
WatchPerhaps the most famous Bible verse, but also one of the most misunderstood. There is much more meaning behind the “golden verse” than most understand.