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What kind of a place would it be if you or I ruled the world? Would it be a world without war, a world without poverty, a world based on fair standards where everyone lives at peace with his neighbor and there...
WatchSee for yourself five clearly stated predictions that are either already being fulfilled, or are unfolding before your very eyes. See what the Bible predicts for our day and beyond. There is hope for you and...
WatchTerror has struck many parts of our world. Ethnic and religious tensions are leading to more and more violence. While many terrorist acts are targeted against specific individuals, many more are directed at “...
WatchDoes Jesus want His followers to ignore prophecy, when He HIMSELF is the one inspiring it? This program explores four purposes of Bible prophecy, explains how Christians can understand Bible prophecy, and how...
WatchGambling is big business. Not all gambling revolves around games of money. You may not realize that you have bet big on the most important decision of your life. Today it is fashionable to reject God, but...
WatchMany professing Christians worship on Sunday. Some claim all days are holy. Others worship on Saturday. Does God want us to keep a particular day, holy? The Bible is actually very clear on this topic. You need...
WatchThe concept of live for today and forget about tomorrow permeates much of our post-modern culture, especially among our youth. It is the nihilistic refrain of meaninglessness and is the natural outcome of...
WatchWhat human reasoning and the new morality teach about marriage is not good for marriage, for children, or for your health. This is demonstrated by much contemporary research. Marriage is an honorable...
WatchIn the 6th century BC, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon took thousands of captives from Jerusalem and the surrounding territories. Virtually all of these captives remain nameless to us today. However, a few...
WatchMillions of Christians believe that at any moment they may be “raptured away” as Christ takes them to heaven before the terrors of the Great Tribulation. But is this idea of a secret Rapture true? Is the...
WatchThe Western World has prospered for more than 200 years. By the end of World War 2, the United States was considered a global superpower. However, morality is in decline. Can a society truly succeed in any...
WatchHow important is the Bible to you? In recent years, atheists and agnostics have increased their attack on God and the Bible. Is this book just a compilation of nomadic stories and myths? Or is this book the...