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Amity Printing Company in China is one of the largest Bible publishers in the world, producing as many as 100 million copies. Why is the Bible such a popular book? What gives it such long-lasting and broad...
WatchWhy do you observe the holidays that you do? Why is this question important? Here on this second of a three-part series on the Biblical Holy Days, we’ll be answering those questions. We’ll also explain one of...
WatchFew aspects of life have undergone more change in both perception and behavior in recent decades than the institution of marriage. Behaviors that were once considered shameful are now considered normal. Isn't...
WatchWhy do most professing Christians observe holidays that were never kept by Jesus and His Apostles, that are steeped in pagan traditions; and at the same time, forsake the observance of the Holy Days found in...
WatchIn the 31 years between 1914 and 1945 the world experienced two of the most devastating wars in human history. By the time the guns fell silent in August 1945, more than 77 million lives had been claimed. In...
WatchEveryone loves a holiday. They can give us an opportunity to spend time with relatives and friends we have not seen for a while. Many religions celebrate holy days. And that’s how we came to use the term HOLI-...
WatchHas the existence of religion made the world a better place? Increasingly, many are looking at the world around them and seeing vivid examples of what can happen when religious extremism is expressed through...
WatchThere is a malevolent entity in the world, whose influence is felt at virtually every level of society. That entity is Satan the devil. Though he is a familiar figure to many people, there are also many...
WatchHow important is morality to you? Did you know that among Canadians, according to an Angus Reid pole, an astounding 40% (almost half) don’t even view the word morality as having a positive meaning? Have morals...
WatchThere is a privilege far more valuable than riches, fame, and power, that provides insight into the very purpose of life. That special privilege and freedom is to talk with the Ruler of the Universe. Your...
WatchWhat if you could tell the future? Who doesn't want to know what's ahead and where our world is headed? Believe it or not, there is a source that does reveal the future in detail and in easy to understand...
WatchThe Middle East has been in turmoil for decades, and many who follow world news wonder what will happen next. The nation of Israel, and its chief city Jerusalem, are at the core of many Middle Eastern...