Telecasts | Tomorrow's World


You Bet Your Life!

  • Gerald E. Weston

Gambling is big business. Not all gambling revolves around games of money. You may not realize that you have bet big on the most important decision of your life. Today it is fashionable to reject God, but...


What is BIBLICAL Christianity?

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

Have you ever wondered why some people reject Christianity? Some professing Christians teach doctrines that to any thinking person seem totally strange and unreasonable. For example, some teach that even if...


The War on Patriarchy

  • Gerald E. Weston

Early television portrayed husbands and fathers in a positive light. Consider Ozzie and Harriett and Father Knows Best, for those old enough to remember.  Both men and women were shown positively, but it wasn’...


The Origin of Satan the Devil

  • Wallace G. Smith

There is a malevolent entity in the world, whose influence is felt at virtually every level of society. That entity is Satan the devil. Though he is a familiar figure to many people, there are also many...


Is Religion Dangerous?

  • Michael Heykoop

Has the existence of religion made the world a better place? Increasingly, many are looking at the world around them and seeing vivid examples of what can happen when religious extremism is expressed through...


Will Jerusalem Survive?

  • Gerald E. Weston

The Middle East has been in turmoil for decades, and many who follow world news wonder what will happen next. The nation of Israel, and its chief city Jerusalem, are at the core of many Middle Eastern...


Bigger Than The Game

  • Gerald E. Weston

Sandy Koufax was arguably the best left handed pitcher in major league baseball history. As many older fans know, he is also famous for something he did off the field. October 6, 1965 was the first day of the...


The Devil’s Deadly Deceptions

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

One of the greatest tricks Satan has pulled, is having people believe he does not exist. When we review the history of the world, and the deceptions of various religions we find strong evidence that the devil...


The Marketing of Greed

  • Stuart Wachowicz

We can all desire a commodity, an improvement or achievement, without being driven by greed. Greed is more than desire. It is, as the definition stated, a craving for MORE than one needs. It is often...


Who is the Great Harlot of Revelation?

  • Rod McNair

The book of Revelation speaks of a church as a woman, symbolically. It describes a virtuous woman—made up of cleansed, forgiven, and Spirit-filled saints—marrying Christ at His return. But it also speaks of an...


Does Family Matter?

  • Michael Heykoop

Has the traditional family unit, or the concept of family in general, become obsolete? Like it or not, there is no debate that the structure of the average family is very different than 50, 25 or even 10 years...


Three Days, Three Nights, One Messiah

  • Wallace G. Smith

Easter is a time when many choose to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ – the Messiah.  But, one Easter tradition actually denies that Jesus is the Messiah!  Let’s examine some of the customs...

