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We are the result of the decisions we make. Of course there are many aspects of our lives which are beyond our control. We cannot choose the circumstances of our birth, the genetics we inherit or the random...
WatchIt is one of the most profound questions of human existence, and virtually no one knows the answer—or if an answer even exists at all: “What is the meaning of life?” The answer will transform your life forever...
WatchHow important is morality to you? Did you know that among Canadians, according to an Angus Reid pole, an astounding 40% (almost half) don’t even view the word morality as having a positive meaning? Have morals...
WatchEveryone it seems is jumping on the Marijuana bandwagon. Who is driving this bandwagon? Are you hearing the whole story? If you think, “I don’t do marijuana, so it doesn’t affect me,” think again—it does!
WatchWhat if you could tell the future? Who doesn't want to know what's ahead and where our world is headed? Believe it or not, there is a source that does reveal the future in detail and in easy to understand...
WatchWill there ever be peace in the Middle East? The Bible reveals that a great world war, focused on the Middle East, is on the horizon. How will you know when this event is about to occur? What prophetic signs...
WatchJohn 3:16 is the most often displayed verse in the Bible. Yet, for all the prominence of this verse, how many people really know what it means? Discover what most people miss in this most famous of Biblical...
WatchEveryone loves a holiday. They can give us an opportunity to spend time with relatives and friends we have not seen for a while. Many religions celebrate holy days. And that’s how we came to use the term HOLI-...
WatchOn Tomorrow's World we strive to ask the difficult questions about the long term effects of the decisions we make today both personally and collectively. We look for solutions, and present the case for a...
WatchToday, you are going to learn EXACTLY what the mark of the Beast is, you’re going to learn how the mark is present in the world today, and you’re going to learn what you need to do about it now!
WatchIn the U.S. and Canada, mounting pressure from advocacy groups and media have led to a political movement to decriminalize or legalize marijuana. The Liberal government in Canada has already approved...
WatchWe accept that hail storms, hurricanes, tornadoes and blizzards are all part of the natural order. But is all weather capricious? Must humanity live in a world where weather disasters lurk around the corner?...