Telecasts | Tomorrow's World


2012 In Prophecy

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Will 2012 be a year of cataclysm for planet Earth, or the dawn of a “New Age” of peace and brotherhood? Will it be another typical year of modern war, disease, strife and economic uncertainty? Are you ready...


Christmas: The Missing Message

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

Was Jesus’ birth meant to usher in a season of consumer spending and holiday stress? Is there something missing from Christmas traditions that, if understood, would reveal the true meaning of Christ’s coming...


Vital Keys for Bible Study

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

The Bible can transform your life, if you know how to study it. Bible study can be exciting and fresh and relevant, if you apply the Bible’s own guidance to your study. This week's program will share several...


Prophets and Pretenders

  • Wallace G. Smith

Are there really some people who can predict the future? Is it even possible to predict the future accurately? Is there a source we can trust for reliable predictions of what is ahead? What does Almighty...


God Heals

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

We live in a world beset by AIDS and other pandemics. No part of the globe is spared from the suffering of terrible illness. The good news is that God can, and does, heal people today. You need to know how to...


Revelation: The Mystery Unveiled!

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

The book of Revelation--the last book in your Bible--has challenged readers for almost 2,000 years. Yet, if you understand its symbols and mysteries, it reveals plainly what will happen in our world in the...


How To Know When Christ Will Return!

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Your Bible clearly reveals that Jesus Christ will return to planet Earth as King of Kings! He will set up a genuine government of God, right here on Earth. But do you know when He will return? Do you know...


The Apostles' Amazing Journeys

  • Rod King (1949-2019)

This program takes a further in-depth look at the activities of Jesus Christ’s earliest disciples, who brought the Gospel of the Kingdom of God across Europe and to the British Isles, reaching the “Lost” Ten...


You Can Understand Prophecy!

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

If you read your daily newspaper, or follow the news on the Internet, you know that we live in dangerous times. But did you know that we are living in what your Bible calls the end-times? With so many deadly...


Who Is the Antichrist?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Is the Antichrist alive today? If so, who is he? Is he Barack Obama, or a mysterious Middle East figure, or an up-and-coming European statesman? Your Bible warns of a coming Antichrist and the powerful religio...


Will Christians Be Raptured?

  • Wallace G. Smith

How will Jesus Christ protect His people from prophesied end-time terrors? Will our world face chaos as Christian jet pilots and bus drivers disappear in the blink of an eye? Or does God have something else in...


Prepare for Armageddon

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

The history of the world has taught us that mankind does not know the way to lasting world peace. Will we continue to suffer the pain and death of devastating wars? Will we face Armageddon in the next few...

