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Are you receiving answers to your prayers? Do you know what it takes to be sure that your prayers are heard? Your Bible reveals powerful strategies that can revolutionize your prayers!
WatchAs end-time events move toward their long-prophesied conclusion, what will you and your loved ones face? Will you escape the troubles ahead, or will you face the mysterious Antichrist foretold in your Bible?...
WatchWill Christ return tonight? Will millions of Christians be whisked away secretly before He returns? Many are expecting a soon-coming “rapture” of true Christians. But what does your Bible say on this vital...
WatchThe mysterious “Beast” found in the book of Revelation has been the subject of much speculation over the centuries. However, those who understand Bible prophecy can clearly recognize the identity and meaning...
WatchHave you ever wondered why the Christianity so many people practice today looks almost nothing like what Jesus Christ practiced and taught? Jesus foretold that many would distort His message. Are you...
WatchAtheists and skeptics often assume that belief in God is for the stupid and the gullible. In fact, however, there is tremendous evidence of the reality of an all-powerful and loving Creator God. Have you...
WatchWhat makes the Bible different from other “holy books”? Is it just another historical document, filled with human error? Or is it really the word of God? Can you prove to yourself whether the Bible is the...
WatchAre you practicing the true Christianity of Jesus Christ? Or has Satan, the enemy of Christians, tricked you into believing in and observing a false Christianity that is keeping you blinded about the true...
WatchYou may have heard the saying, “Deceived people do not know they are deceived.” Satan is a powerful deceiver, and he wants to bring as many people to ruin as he can. What steps can you take to be sure that you...
WatchWhich day should Christians observe as the Sabbath? Does it even matter? Historians and theologians plainly acknowledge that Jesus and the first Christians kept the seventh-day Sabbath. Should we be doing the...
WatchDid you grow up believing in the true Jesus of your Bible? Or have you accepted man-made ideas about a man who supposedly undid His Father’s work and overturned His laws? If you get to know the actual Jesus of...
WatchSome modern theologians are questioning long-held “mainstream” beliefs about Hell. When sinners die, do they really go straight to a burning pit of fire, to suffer for eternity? Are you willing to believe the...