Telecasts | Tomorrow's World


Success in Times of Stress

  • Richard F. Ames

Are you tired? Frustrated? Overwhelmed? Your Bible offers vital tools for overcoming stress. If you use them, you can find peace and happiness — and can succeed even in difficult times!


Why Marriage?

  • Gerald E. Weston

The institution of marriage is under assault today as never before. As appalling as divorce dates are, co-habitation has obscured the true picture as many couples couple and de-couple without formally entering...


What Happens After Death?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

After you die, do you expect to “roll around heaven all day”? Or might you spend eternity burning in hellfire? Your Bible reveals awesome truth about the eternal purpose for which God created you and your...


Rethinking Darwin

  • Gerald E. Weston

Many people believe in the existence of an all-powerful God who created the universe and designed and engineered life on this planet. Atheists scoff at such a notion, believing that Charles Darwin drove a nail...


The Apostles' Amazing Journeys

  • Rod King (1949-2019)

This program takes a further in-depth look at the activities of Jesus Christ’s earliest disciples, who brought the Gospel of the Kingdom of God across Europe and to the British Isles, reaching the “Lost” Ten...


Is There an Ever-Burning Hellfire?

  • Richard F. Ames

Are your unsaved friends and relatives burning, right now, in unspeakable fiery torment? The truth about God’s plan for the “unsaved" will amaze and encourage you!


The Soon-Coming Utopia

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Our world is filled with pain and suffering, war and violence, disease and famine and other sorrows that constantly afflict us. But God has promised a soon-coming time of peace and prosperity for the whole...


The Death of Marriage

  • Wallace G. Smith

Around the world, age-old assumptions about marriage are being ignored, challenged and even rejected. A growing movement seeks to redefine marriage entirely. How will this affect our world? How will it affect...


The Unknown God

  • Gerald E. Weston

In one of his most famous sermons, Paul spoke at the Areopagus and taught the people of Athens about The Unknown God. He described this God as One that the people worshiped without knowing. Who is this God...


The Master Key to Bible Prophecy

  • Richard F. Ames

Many who read the Bible are confused by its mysterious symbols. Only a very few understand the true key that unlocks the secrets of your Bible’s end-time prophecies. What is that key? Watch this telecast and...


The Soon-Coming Great Tribulation

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

The Bible warns of a frightening time called the “Great Tribulation.” How will its terrors affect you and your loved ones? What can you do to prepare for it—or be spared? You need to know!


Modern Morality and the Ten Commandments

  • Richard F. Ames

When we consider the great empires of the past, we should learn the lessons of history. One of the major causes of the decline of Rome was the disintegration of family. Divorce, adultery and indulgence...

