Telecasts | Tomorrow's World


In Search of Love

  • Gerald E. Weston

Everyone wants to be loved, but not everyone feels loved. Children of all ages want to know that they are loved by their parents. Most teens are driven by a desire to have a boyfriend or girlfriend. And what...


Is God Calling You?

  • Wallace G. Smith

Have you felt repentance for your sins?  Have you begun to understand your need for salvation?  If so, how can you be sure? And what should you do in response? You need to know!


Prophetic Trends for 2015

  • Richard F. Ames

What does the Bible tell us to expect in the year ahead? Jesus gave us the command to “Watch”—but for what should we be watching? Are you prepared for 2015, and the years ahead?


Why Prophecy?

  • Richard F. Ames

Bible prophecy is history written in advance. How important is it, or should it be, in our daily lives? Is Bible prophecy a subject for scholars and history buffs, or can it make a difference in how you live...


Spirit Battles Ahead!

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Why is there so much turmoil in the world around us? Is there a hidden, largely unseen source stirring up strife and conflict? If so, what can you do to protect yourself? You need to know!


You CAN Prove That God Exists

  • Rod King (1949-2019)

Is belief in God just a matter of “blind” faith? Should you believe just because someone has asked you to believe? Or can you prove to yourself the reality and power of the true God? Watch and learn the...


The Way to Peace

  • Gerald E. Weston

The First World War was declared to be "the war to end all wars," yet a short 21 years later the world was plunged into another global conflict. The League of Nations and eventually the United Nations were...


The Second Coming

  • Richard F. Ames

Why will Jesus Christ return? What will it mean to you, your loved ones, and the whole world? Most people do not truly understand the purpose for Christ’s return, but you can!


Counterfeit Christianity

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Millions of well-meaning churchgoers are deceived! They think they are worshiping the Jesus Christ of the Bible. In fact, however, they are giving their praise to a crafty counterfeit. How can you be sure your...


Why Creationists Are Wrong

  • Gerald E. Weston

Did dinosaurs and human beings walk the earth together before the great biblical flood described in the book of Genesis? If so, why does human history not record this? If not, where do dinosaurs fit in the...


Dive Into Prophecy

  • Wallace G. Smith

Bible prophecy may be mysterious. It may seem to be filled with fanciful stories and strange symbols.  Yet it can be understood—and it can give your life new hope, meaning and purpose!


Sex and Sin

  • Richard F. Ames

The institution of marriage is under attack in ways that would have been unthinkable just a generation ago.  Sex outside of marriage is widely accepted, and even taken as the norm in many areas of society. But...

