Telecasts | Tomorrow's World


The Future of Jerusalem

  • Stuart Wachowicz

Jerusalem! Few other words can elicit feelings of hope and peace, and at the same time sentiments of sorrow and heartbreak, or in some cases, anger, vengeance and division. Strange, as the word itself...


Is Europe Preparing for War?

  • Rod McNair

The world is an increasingly dangerous and volatile place. European leaders are taking more command of their own defense. Is that good? Is that bad? The Bible predicts the sudden and dramatic rise of an end-...


Do We Have the Right to Die?

  • Stuart Wachowicz

In June 2016, the Canadian Parliament passed legislation legalizing a framework that permitted medically assisted dying in Canada. Formerly, any act to assist in the suicide of another, or even counselling a...


Understanding Bible Mysteries

  • Richard F. Ames

The book of Revelation describes a harlot woman riding a beast with ten horns, the glorious throne of God with sea of glass and a brilliant rainbow, and a heavenly city, the New Jerusalem. The book of Daniel...


The Message That Changed The World

  • Gerald E. Weston

Nearly 2000 years ago a man named Jesus, and his followers, brought a message, that we are told by their enemies, “turned the world upside down.” Yet today, Christianity is on the decline in most western...


Why Extreme Weather?

  • Gerald E. Weston

We accept that hail storms, hurricanes, tornadoes and blizzards are all part of the natural order. But is all weather capricious? Must humanity live in a world where weather disasters lurk around the corner?...


The Watchman's Warning

  • Gerald E. Weston

The biblical prophet Ezekiel was given what would appear on the surface to be one of the strangest commissions ever given: act as a watchman, taking a warning to a people he would never see for a time long...


Three Days, Three Nights, One Messiah

  • Wallace G. Smith

Easter is a time when many choose to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ – the Messiah.  But, one Easter tradition actually denies that Jesus is the Messiah!  Let’s examine some of the customs...


The Easter Controversy

  • Gerald E. Weston

Every year professing Christians celebrate the holiday known as Easter, but few have any understanding of its true origins. How does a day supposedly picturing the resurrection of Jesus Christ come to be known...


The Devil’s Deadly Deceptions

  • Richard F. Ames

One of the greatest tricks Satan has pulled, is having people believe he does not exist. When we review the history of the world, and the deceptions of various religions we find strong evidence that the devil...


Going to Pot!

  • Stuart Wachowicz

In the U.S. and Canada, mounting pressure from advocacy groups and media have led to a political movement to decriminalize or legalize marijuana. The Liberal government in Canada has already approved...


What Happened to Right and Wrong?

  • Wallace G. Smith

Whether you like it or not, whether you want it or not, whether you agree with it or not—it’s still true: Right and Wrong aren’t what they used to be. The moral standards that have been taken for granted—in...

