Telecasts | Tomorrow's World


Rise and Fall of Nations

  • Richard F. Ames

Throughout history, great empires have risen and fallen. What does this have to do with anything today, many might ask - but perhaps the nations of the past are more important to the present than you think. In...


What's Wrong with the 10 Commandments?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Many people think that the ten commandments have been “done away” by Jesus Christ’s sacrifice. However, the truth may surprise you. Did Christ nail the law to the cross, or just the death penalty for breaking...


New Superpower in Europe

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

What is the future of the European Union as we know it? It might surprise you to know that a huge world power is forming as a result of the unification of Europe. How will this “empire” come together, and how...


Middle East in Prophecy

  • Richard F. Ames

The Middle East features largely in Bible prophecy - and Jerusalem is the most important city in the world! Do you understand that Jesus Christ will return to bring peace? Learn what the Bible says about the...


Should You Observe Easter?

  • Richard F. Ames

Is Easter really the most important holiday on the Christian calendar? The truth may surprise you. In this program, the true meaning of Easter is revealed. Knowing that Easter is not truly a Christian holiday...


The Harlot of Revelation 17

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Revelation chapter 17 speaks of a mysterious woman riding a beast. Is this a confusing metaphor, without a meaning? Or is there a specific meaning behind every prophecy in the Bible, particularly Revelation?...


What Will the Millennium be Like?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

There are exciting changes in store for planet earth and all of the human race. There is a coming millennial government, and in this program, Roderick Meredith looks to the Bible to show you what it will be...


Is There a True Church Today?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Where is God’s true church amid all the confusion of the world’s many religions? Roderick Meredith explains in this program where the true Christian church is, and how it can be identified. Start learning,...


What is the True Gospel?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Jesus Christ brought the message of the “good news” to all the world, but what was that message? The teachings of Christ are active, living instructions for how to prepare for His Second Coming, and in this...


What is Jesus Christ Doing Now?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Far from being “off in heaven somewhere” with nothing to do, Jesus Christ is active and actively working towards your future - and that of all humankind! In this program, Roderick Meredith explains what Christ...


God's Awesome Plan Revealed

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

In this edition of Tomorrow’s World, Roderick Meredith asks the question: do you understand the awesome plan that God is working out here on earth? What part does He have for you in the near-future, and will...


How Satan Deceives Christians!

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Is there a Satan, and what part has he had in the division and deception of Christianity today? You might be surprised to know how extensive his influence has been. In this program, the nature of Satan’s...

