Telecasts | Tomorrow's World


The Collapse of World Order

  • Stuart Wachowicz

In the 31 years between 1914 and 1945 the world experienced two of the most devastating wars in human history. By the time the guns fell silent in August 1945, more than 77 million lives had been claimed. In...


Raising Good Kids in Today’s World

  • Rod McNair

Learn three ways to face parenting problems from the Bible story of Lot, found in Genesis 19. Rod McNair examines Lot’s parenting struggles—similar to common parent issues today—and how to identify what needs...


Was Jesus Real?

  • Michael Heykoop

Christianity is a religion unlike any other. The teaching that God sent His only son to earth to live as a human being, without fault and then be put to death by His Father's creation only to rise from the...


Five Myths About the Resurrection of Jesus

  • Wallace G. Smith

What do you believe about Jesus Christ’s resurrection? Good Friday? Easter Sunday? Passover? Put your beliefs to the test. Join us for some resurrection myth-busting in this episode of Tomorrow’s World.


The Four Horsemen

  • Stuart Wachowicz

Some want to know the future for the personal advantage it can provide, others seek it out of fear. The world today is full of anxiety. But few stories in history or literature garner as much interest as works...


The Fall of Rome - Lessons for Us

  • Gerald E. Weston

Immigration, rejecting marriage, and even Christianity contributed to the Roman Empire’s end. Examine these three factors of social collapse—and how Bible prophecy shows our nations will repeat history one...


Truth in an Age of Lies

  • Michael Heykoop

What are the perils of living at a time when information more widely available than ever before? Information is a good thing. It is impossible to make wise decisions without having information. We use the...


When Atheists Attack!

  • Wallace G. Smith

When your faith is questioned, “always be ready to give a defense… for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15). With this video, equip yourself to answer three of atheists’ favorite objections about your...


The Challenge of Dealing with Depression

  • Stuart Wachowicz

Across the world a new plague is eroding health, wealth and happiness in a manner that is more pervasive than most realize. The dark cloud of depression is affecting individuals, young and old, at all levels...


Seven Proven Keys to Answered Prayer

  • Richard F. Ames

Will God answer your prayers? What is the meaning of “Ask, and it will be given to you” in Matthew 7:7? Put seven keys from Scripture into practice in your prayer life to see that yes, God does answer prayers.


The Future Restoration of Rome

  • Michael Heykoop

More than 2000 years ago, the legions of Rome ventured from their isolated peninsula and dominated the Mediterranean, Middle East and much of Europe for hundreds of years. The political system and ideals...


Would Jesus Choose Your Church?

  • Gerald E. Weston

What did Jesus Christ mean by “on this rock I will build My church” in Matthew 16:18? Where is Jesus’ church? Learn this Bible verse’s meaning and five points to identify the church Jesus built—and said would...

