Telecasts | Tomorrow's World


2005 and Prophecy

  • Richard F. Ames

Human beings want to explore other worlds. Just one year ago, President Bush announced the goal of returning astronauts to the moon by the year 2020. Also in 2004, two robot explorers, Spirit and Opportunity,...


Vital Keys to Happiness

  • Richard F. Ames

Millions if not billions of human beings are miserable and unhappy. Many are victims of abuse, oppression or crime. Others seek pleasures and become addicted to vices. They reap the pain and penalty that...


The Coming Spirit War!

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Absolutely staggering events lie ahead in world affairs. A mysterious spirit war will take place within the next several years which will change the complexion of world events. Your life will never be the same...


The END of the World!

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Events specifically prophesied in the Bible are speeding up and the end of this present age is fast approaching - not the end of the Earth, but the absolute end of this human society as we have known it. Can...


Armageddon in Prophecy

  • Richard F. Ames

Your Bible describes a place called Armageddon. Many think of Armageddon as the place and time of the ultimate destruction of mankind and planet Earth. Will we soon face the ultimate battle between the forces...


Nuclear Terror: Where Will It End?

  • John H. Ogwyn (1949–2005)

The Nuclear Club is no longer the exclusive grouping that it once was. In the aftermath of World War II, America alone possessed the secret of the atomic bomb. In this world of an ever escalating threat of...


Who Decides What SIN Is?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Pope John Paul has just died as we film this program. Now there is urgent speculation about choosing a successor who will modernize the papacy. "Why can't women become priests?", many ask. Why teach against...


Countdown to Christ's Second Coming

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

This age is coming to an end. Within the next several years of your life everything around you is going to change for our Creator, the great God will begin to intervene powerfully in human affairs. We are now...


Fear, Frustration, or Faith?

  • Richard F. Ames

We live in a world of dangers, stress, fears and frustration. According to TIME magazine, 19 million Americans are afflicted with anxiety disorders. And there are many additional millions around the world who...


What is Sin?

  • John H. Ogwyn (1949–2005)

What ever happened to sin? Let's face it, over the last 100 years there have been radical changes in the radically accepted definitions of right and wrong. When you look at the laws that have been enacted over...


POWER in Prayer

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

There is a very real God. The prophetic events prophesied in the Bible are all finally coming together. You need to know that a very REAL God exists! You need to talk to Him, to walk with Him and to pray to...


The Promises of God

  • Richard F. Ames

Many of us have dreamed about treasure hunting and striking it rich. The pirates of old are said to have amassed fortunes in gold, silver and jewels. Some of those riches are still hidden to this day. But...

