Telecasts | Tomorrow's World


The Apostles' Amazing Journeys

  • Rod King (1949-2019)

This program takes a further in-depth look at the activities of Jesus Christ’s earliest disciples, who brought the Gospel of the Kingdom of God across Europe and to the British Isles, reaching the “Lost” Ten...


Christmas: The Missing Message

  • Richard F. Ames

Was Jesus’ birth meant to usher in a season of consumer spending and holiday stress? Is there something missing from Christmas traditions that, if understood, would reveal the true meaning of Christ’s coming...


Morality Without God?

  • Gerald E. Weston

Peace, harmony, and long life have been sought for by man from earliest times, but somehow these elude us. Why? Is true peace and harmony possible? And what about long life? If so, why has man failed to...


Answered Prayer

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

In our troubled world, with terror, war, disease and tragedy all around us, we need God's help more than ever. We can have that help through prayer. Do you know how to get answers to your prayers? In this...


Prophets and Pretenders

  • Wallace G. Smith

Are there really some people who can predict the future? Is it even possible to predict the future accurately? Is there a source we can trust for reliable predictions of what is ahead? What does Almighty...


Is It Good for You?

  • Gerald E. Weston

We live in a world where raunchy movies are routine. So are violence, illicit sex, and rebellion against authority. Is it possible these pictures entering our minds affect our behavior? The Bible tells us...


Vital Keys for Bible Study

  • Richard F. Ames

The Bible can transform your life, if you know how to study it. Bible study can be exciting and fresh and relevant, if you apply the Bible’s own guidance to your study. This week's program will share several...


What Happens After Death?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

After you die, do you expect to “roll around heaven all day”? Or might you spend eternity burning in hellfire? Your Bible reveals awesome truth about the eternal purpose for which God created you and your...


The Unknown God

  • Gerald E. Weston

In one of his most famous sermons, Paul spoke at the Areopagus and taught the people of Athens about The Unknown God. He described this God as One that the people worshiped without knowing. Who is this God...


The Prophesied "Beast"

  • Richard F. Ames

The mysterious “Beast” found in the book of Revelation has been the subject of much speculation over the centuries. However, those who understand Bible prophecy can clearly recognize the identity and meaning...


Revelation Unveiled

  • Rod King (1949-2019)

The book of Revelation, in your Bible, is a mystery to most who try to make sense of its puzzling symbols and powerful images. Did you know that God has given us keys to understanding Revelation’s powerful...


Five Ways to Enrich Your Marriage

  • Richard F. Ames

Weddings are joyous occasions and family is the foundation of any society. But marriage can also present challenging problems that, if left unresolved, can lead to painful and disastrous consequences. How can...

