Telecasts | Tomorrow's World


Was Jesus Real?

  • Michael Heykoop

Christianity is a religion unlike any other. The teaching that God sent His only son to earth to live as a human being, without fault and then be put to death by His Father's creation only to rise from the...


Did Jesus' Disciples Celebrate Easter?

  • Rod McNair

Easter…It’s the holiest day of the year for hundreds of millions of people. But did Christ’s disciples celebrate EASTER to honor His resurrection?


Is Darwinism Dead?

  • Gerald E. Weston

Is Darwinian evolution the fact you’ve been told it is?  Or is there reason to doubt Darwin? Many discoveries made over the last half century call into question whether life as we know it could possibly be the...


Understanding Bible Mysteries

  • Richard F. Ames

The book of Revelation describes a harlot woman riding a beast with ten horns, the glorious throne of God with sea of glass and a brilliant rainbow, and a heavenly city, the New Jerusalem. The book of Daniel...


Anti-Semitism Rising

  • Stuart Wachowicz

Early in 2019, European Commission President, Jean-Claude Junker stated: "I did not think in my lifetime I would see again that Jewish citizens are afraid to express their support for their religion." Anti-...


Seven Steps to Lasting Happiness

  • Wallace G. Smith

We live in dark times, but there are ways to find happiness, even if you feel that you can never be happy again. Put these 7 steps into practice in your own life, so that you too may find happiness that will...


Man's Need for Purpose

  • Michael Heykoop

What drives you to get out of bed in morning? It’s a simple enough question, but is it one you've paused to consider? Do you get out of bed just because it's a habit to do so, or do you wake with a purpose to...


The Biblical Holy Days, Part 3

  • Gerald E. Weston

The Bible is the greatest book of prophecy ever written. This amazing book has a flawless track record of predictions spanning thousands of years. Some prophecies are found where you might never suspect, such...


Counterfeit and Cover-up

  • Stuart Wachowicz

For centuries rulers and their governments have struggled to prevent counterfeiting of monetary currency. We face an increasing barrage of counterfeit products in our marketplaces. Various consumer products of...


Peace in the Middle East?

  • Richard F. Ames

Violent Islamist militants from ISIS and Al Qaeda struggle to revive their forces. The tiny nation of Israel struggles for peace, while neighboring Palestinians demand better conditions and more control in...


How to Make Better Decisions

  • Michael Heykoop

We are the result of the decisions we make. Of course there are many aspects of our lives which are beyond our control. We cannot choose the circumstances of our birth, the genetics we inherit or the random...


What Is the Meaning of Life?

  • Wallace G. Smith

It is one of the most profound questions of human existence, and virtually no one knows the answer—or if an answer even exists at all: “What is the meaning of life?” The answer will transform your life forever...

