Justin D. Ridgeway | Tomorrow's World

Justin D. Ridgeway

What Is Heaven?

What is heaven? I would expect that most reading this have at least pondered the question once or twice in their lives—but, sadly, the truth of this topic is hidden behind a massive wall of religious confusion. Tomorrow’s World holds the Bible as the origin and authority for wisdom and knowledge—so what does the word of God actually teach about this subject?

Three Ways to Be More Thankful

Thankful script with lit candles

One of the most beneficial attributes a person can exercise is thankfulness—and having a thankful attitude is contagious. Most often, when I give a sincere “thank you” to someone, they will respond with gratitude in turn. It’s also true that when people display a thankful attitude, others around them become thankful as well. How can we develop a more thankful and positive perspective?

Let’s consider a few simple yet profound ways to bring more joy and peace of mind to our lives, which each of us can use to remind ourselves to be more thankful.

Pray for Our Leaders!

In the past two decades, there has been a dramatic increase in disrespect toward those in leadership positions. An attitude of hatred and vitriol toward political rivals permeates society. In a time of increased difficulty and heightened emotion, how should Christians conduct themselves towards leaders they perceive as “bad”?

Four Ways to Be More Thankful

One of the most beneficial attributes a person can exercise is thankfulness—and having a thankful attitude is contagious. Normally, when I give a sincere “thank you” to someone, they will respond with gratitude in turn. It’s also true that when a group of people displays a thankful attitude, those spending time around them become thankful as well. How can we develop a more thankful and positive perspective?

Invest Your Time

If time is money, as the old saying goes, then God pays us a daily “income” of 86,400 seconds! Just how valuable is that time—and what can help you to control how you spend it?
