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News and Prophecy

Health Dangers of Tattoos

  1. 10th May 2017
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

“Tattoos are more popular than ever. Roughly half of millennials have one, as do 36% of Gen Xers… The number of Americans with at least one tattoo has jumped 50% in the past four years” (Time, April 5, 2017). The growing prevalence of tattoos has spawned new research into potential dangers of the practice. Research shows tattoos may interfere with both body...


Britain-EU Relations Becoming Rocky

  1. 08th May 2017
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

This week, “A German newspaper reported that after a dinner on Wednesday evening Mr Juncker accused Mrs May of being ‘deluded’ and said it was ‘more likely than not’ that Brexit talks would fail. According to the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung... Mr Juncker told Mrs May ‘I’m leaving Downing Street 10 times more sceptical than I was...


Russia and Britain Exchange Threats

  1. 05th May 2017
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

“Global defense spending has gone up for the first time since 2011. According to the World Military Expenditure Report… countries around the world spent a total of $1.68 trillion (1.56 trillion euros) on arms in 2016” (Deutsche Welle, April 24, 2017). The U.S., China and Russia led the spending. One expert observed, “Today, unlike a decade ago, actors are not...


The Influence of Schools and Society

  1. 03rd May 2017
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

In a recent article entitled “Children think it’s normal to be ‘gender-fluid,’” author Alice Thomson observed, “Twenty years ago the average age at which people came out was 25; now it is 16” (The Times, April 12, 2017). She further observed, “Acceptance of gay relationships now spans the generations but the young have distinct views on shifting sexual identity...


Was Heterosexuality Invented?

  1. 01st May 2017
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

In a recent BBC story, one author worked hard to make the case that heterosexuality is a recently invented “cultural production.” “But heterosexuality has not always ‘just been there.’ And there’s no reason to imagine it will always be” (BBC, April 16, 2017).


Civil Unrest Grows in Venezuela

  1. 28th April 2017
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

“Venezuela calls ‘mother of all protests’ as opposition and government supporters rally,” according to Deutsche Welle (April 19, 2017). As societal standards erode, poverty increases, inflation explodes, crime erupts, and a once-advanced society continues to decline, many Venezuelans are angry.


Severe Drought in Kenya!

  1. 26th April 2017
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Over the last week, “60,000 Turkana pastoralists and 127,000 livestock have moved [from northwest Kenya] to Uganda’s Karamjoa sub-region” in search of vegetation for their livestock (Deutsche Welle, April 18, 2017). “The end of March was supposed to bring rains to Turkana, transforming barren plains into pasture. It still hasn’t happened.


Terrorist Attacks and Europe's Future

  1. 24th April 2017
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

In barely half a year, there have been terrorist attacks in London (March), Paris (February), Berlin (December), Hamburg (October), and last week in Stockholm. In 2016, terrorist attacks in Europe claimed the lives of 150 people (USA Today, April 7, 2017).


North Korea Heats Up!

  1. 21st April 2017
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Just days after U.S. President Trump tweeted he would “‘solve the problem’ of North Korea” if China did not exert more pressure on its neighbor, North Korea warned there would be “catastrophic consequences” to any further provocations by the U.S. (Guardian, April 11, 2017). North Korea has threatened a nuclear response against the U.S. mainland should they feel...


Devastation in Colombia

  1. 12th April 2017
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Major rains often bring severe flooding. Last month witnessed extreme flooding in Peru. Last Friday it was Colombia. As Deutsche Welle reported on April 2, “A total of 17 Mocoa districts have been affected. Many houses simply no longer exist: The people in them didn’t stand a chance. The ground literally gave way beneath their feet, washed away by the sudden,...

