News and Prophecy | Page 47 | Tomorrow's World

News and Prophecy

Will Poland Leave the EU?

  1. 03rd January 2020
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

With Boris Johnson’s recent landslide victory, many in Britain and in the parliament of the European Union expect Brexit to happen in January 2020. Many EU supporters have also expressed concerns that if Britain leaves, other nations will follow. Now, EU leaders fear that recent Polish court actions could lead to Poland’s exit from the EU, following Britain’s...


Benefits of Singing Together

  1. 30th December 2019
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

people singing in a choir Modern research supports an activity God has long encouraged and reveals benefits He no doubt designed: Singing in a group benefits those involved by helping people bond and feel part of the group and by improving physical and mental health (The Conversation, October 28, 2015).


Frustration and Desperation in Italy

  1. 27th December 2019
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

statue of an Italian king near an Italian flag Reuters reports that a recent poll in Italy is causing some concern: “Almost half of Italians are in favor of having a ‘strongman’ in power who does not care about parliament and elections… casting doubts on the strength of democracy in a major European nation” (December 6, 2019). Italians are fed up with the lack of economic recovery following the 2008 global...


The End of the World Trade Organization?

  1. 23rd December 2019
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

the WTO building The Economist reported on December 10 that two of the three remaining members retired from the appellate body of the World Trade Organization (WTO), “which hears appeals in trade disputes and authorises sanctions against rule-breakers” (November 28, 2019). This means that any decisions made by the WTO that are appealed will have only one of the required three...


Britain’s Uncertain Future

  1. 20th December 2019
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Boris Johnson in front of British and EU flags Last week, Britain held yet another election—one that had been promised by Boris Johnson in the wake of Britain’s last Brexit attempt. Pollsters predicted a very close race between the conservative, pro-Brexit incumbent, Boris Johnson, and his liberal, Labor rival, Jeremy Corbyn. However, the outcome of the election was anything but close. Johnson secured what...


Florida’s Citrus Crop Drop

  1. 16th December 2019
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

tree with green oranges Florida produces 70 percent of the United States’ supply of citrus—it is the world’s largest producer of grapefruit and, behind Brazil, the second-largest producer of orange juice. Florida produces 90 percent of the United States’ orange juice in most seasons. Citrus and its related industries produce roughly $9 billion in revenue for the state of Florida...


Church Contract Terminated Over “Hate Speech” Allegation

  1. 13th December 2019
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

chained bible next to a person with tape over their mouth After more than a year of meeting in a municipal building in Toronto, Christ’s Forgiveness Ministries (CFM) was recently sent a termination notice informing them that they could no longer meet in the facility—effective immediately (LifeSiteNews, November 21, 2019).


Nigeria “Hate Speech” Bill

  1. 09th December 2019
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

a Bible in chains next to a globe pointing out the country of Nigeria “Hate speech” is a rapidly spreading international catchphrase that is gaining traction in legislatures around the globe. As a result, freedom of speech clauses in constitutions and legal codes all around the world are coming under attack. Words and phrases that were considered fair and legal for many decades or centuries are being challenged and declared...


America’s Alarming Health Trends

  1. 06th December 2019
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

stethoscope taking america's pulse Public health experts are concerned. “Despite spending more on health care than any other country, the United States has seen increasing mortality and falling life expectancy for people ages 25 to 64, who should be in the prime of their lives” (MSN, November 26, 2019).


Macron Makes Waves in Europe

  1. 25th November 2019
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Since French President Emmanuel Macron came to power as a Eurocentric change agent, he has passionately advocated for a stronger Europe and consistently pushed for greater centralization of European power. A Deutsche Welle article stated that Mr. Macron commented in a recent interview on how “US leadership caused the ‘brain death’ of NATO” (November 10, 2019)....

