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News and Prophecy

Your Talking Bones

  1. 11th April 2022
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Skeletons often evoke thoughts of death. We also tend to view them as the simple “support structure” of the body. Medical science has long understood that bones manufacture both white and red blood cells, provide a storehouse for calcium and other minerals, and possess remarkable healing properties. However, recent research demonstrates there is even more to...


Will Sunday Be a Worldwide Day of Rest?

  1. 08th April 2022
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

In March of this year, the International Energy Agency (IEA) issued its most recent fuel report. The IEA is an international body made up of 39 member and associate member nations, many of which are major players in international affairs. In their report, the IEA put forth a ten-point plan to cut worldwide oil use.


Declining Respect for Western Leaders

  1. 04th April 2022
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

When world leaders met last week in Brussels to discuss the Russia and Ukraine situation, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was not invited (The Independent, March 24, 2022). When Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau addressed the European parliament about Western nations standing together in defense of democracy, many members of parliament took the...


Ukraine Seeks Vatican Mediation

  1. 01st April 2022
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky recently spoke to Pope Francis by video call—the second such call in a month (Catholic News Agency, March 22, 2022). President Zelensky thanked the Pope for his prayers for the Ukrainian people and he apprised the Pope of the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Ukraine.


America Chases Its Lovers?

  1. 25th March 2022
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

As global oil prices rise rapidly, due in part to the war in Ukraine, gasoline (petrol) prices are also exploding. As a result, the United States and other nations are looking for countries that will sell them extra oil. As CNN put it, “Russia’s invasion has upended international relations, forcing the US and other nations to seek out solutions in places they’d...


World Rivers Polluted with Drugs

  1. 21st March 2022
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

A recent York University study of over 250 rivers in over 100 countries around the globe determined that many rivers are contaminated with pharmaceutical drugs. According to the BBC, “more than a quarter of the 258 rivers sampled had what are known as ‘active pharmaceutical ingredients’ present at a level deemed unsafe for aquatic organisms” (February 15, 2022...


Wheat Prices Soar!

  1. 18th March 2022
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

With the outbreak of war in Ukraine, oil prices are soaring, but so are the prices of grains. Russia and Ukraine supply a quarter of global wheat exports, while Egypt is the world’s largest wheat importer (The Guardian, March 7, 2022). Tunisia for example, imports half of its wheat from Ukraine. Ukraine also produces 13 percent of global corn/maize exports.


Extreme Weather Hits Australia... Again

  1. 14th March 2022
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

What used to be considered once-in-a-century or even once-in-500-years rain events in Australia are occurring with far greater frequency. For the last two weeks, the country’s heavily populated eastern coast has been inundated with rainfall levels breaking all records. A meter of rain, almost an entire year’s worth, fell on Brisbane in a three-day period.


Europe Suddenly Comes Together!

  1. 11th March 2022
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Just weeks ago, Europe appeared weak and divided, with leaders unable to act in unison. However, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has produced big changes!


Government Undermines Parents

  1. 07th March 2022
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

The Scottish National Party recently released guidelines telling teachers, police, and social workers to respect the privacy of children as young as age 13 by not informing parents when their children are having sex (Telegraph, February 20, 2022). The rationale behind the guidelines is the issue of confidentiality.

