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News and Prophecy

Germany pushes for a new EU treaty.

  1. 17th September 2012
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Germany is calling for a new European treaty by the end of the year to clear the way for more European integration and a new legal foundation for the Union.  “Germany would like to see… a legal basis that would give the European Court of Justice the jurisdiction to monitor the budgets of member states and to punish deficit offenders” (Der Spiegel, August 27,...


Severe weather in U.S. increasing at unusual rate.

  1. 14th September 2012
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

The U.S. has recently been hit hard by severe weather.  “Nearly 75 percent of the country’s corn and soya bean-growing regions have been hit by extreme drought”—although the total damage will not be known until the October harvest (Deutsche Welle, August 28, 2012).  Last year, severe storms in the U.S., “caused an economic loss of about $46 billion” (about $25...


Australia’s economic woes.

  1. 10th September 2012
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

The resource-based Australian economy has greatly benefited from massive iron ore exports which have supported China’s economic boom.  “China takes 25% of Australia’s exports and iron ore accounts for 60% of all the goods Australia sells to China.  One reason Australia avoided recession during the global downturn of 2008-09 was that it had a well-run banking...


Iran’s defensive preparations.

  1. 07th September 2012
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

In response to the growing threat of an Israeli military attack, Iran is planning a massive defense drill in October, involving their air defenses, army and revolutionary guard (Reuters, September 1, 2012).  “Today our systems are prepared in a serious way for modern air threats,” noted Iran’s air defense commander (ibid.).  An Iranian naval commander said that...


Increasing earthquakes in various places.

  1. 05th September 2012
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Recently, a series of earthquakes struck California and El Salvador—adding to a worldwide number of earthquakes in various places.    Imperial County, California, experienced many tremors ranging from 2.0 to 5.5 in magnitude.  “By 5 p.m., the USGS had recorded about 300 earthquakes, and the count continued to rise throughout the evening” (LA Times, August 26,...


Egypt and Gulf States strengthen ties.

  1. 31st August 2012
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Egypt is becoming more independent from the United States.  “The Muslim Brotherhood’s election platform called for a reworked relationship with Washington based on ‘independence of decision’ and an end to ‘subordination’” (CNS News, August 22, 2012).


Declaring their sin as Sodom.

  1. 29th August 2012
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

The polarizing debate of whether or not the Australian states should “go it alone” on the issue of homosexual marriage rose to the fore last week as rallies were held in most major cities by those who want to change the definition of marriage.  State premiers from South Australia and Tasmania along with the Chief Minister of the Australian Capital Territory (...


Will Germany leave the EU?

  1. 24th August 2012
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Many assume that Greece will be forced to leave the EU and that Spain and Italy must follow.  This could leave Germany with a trillion euro liability—something few Germans want their nation to be responsible for.  Experts and the European press are starting to suggest that the only really feasible option for Germany may be for it to leave and let the EU “sink or...

