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News and Prophecy

Vatican invited to sit on Mount Zion!

  1. 18th February 2013
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

The Vatican has long desired to gain control of Jerusalem and is patiently working towards this end.  Now, “Israel has granted the pope an official seat in the room where the Last Supper is believed to have taken place, on Mount Zion in Jerusalem” (Israel Hayom, January 30, 2013). Israeli officials see this as an opportunity to bring more tourism to Jerusalem (...


The pope resigns: what’s next?

  1. 15th February 2013
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Pope Benedict XVI surprised the world by announcing his resignation, effective later this month. The first papal resignation since 1415 leaves many questioning, “What’s next?”


Blood-red sea in Sydney.

  1. 13th February 2013
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

In late November 2012, an outbreak of “red tide” closed beaches along Australia’s Southeast coast.  Photos show the bright, blood-red color of the algae bloom (The Australian, November 28, 2012).  The “perfect storm” of conditions occurred off the Sydney coast and fostered the explosive growth of red tide algae. This algae thrives in high water temperatures and...


Cracks in the Franco-German relationship.

  1. 11th February 2013
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Since France and Germany signed the Elysee Treaty in 1963, the former enemies have developed a “common defense and security council, a financial and economic council and councils devoted to culture and environment” (Deutsche Welle, January 22, 2013).  They also have joint military efforts.


The global leadership vacuum.

  1. 08th February 2013
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

A German news magazine recently reported, “Global politics have come to a standstill in recent years, with the United States unwilling to show leadership and Europe and other major powers unable to fill the vacuum [emphasis ours]” (Der Spiegel, February 1, 2013).


Crime in Latin America and the Caribbean.

  1. 06th February 2013
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

According to recent research, “Latin American and Caribbean citizens cite crime and violence as their top concern, above unemployment, healthcare and other issues” (Reuters, January 24, 2013).


Muslims control parts of European cities.

  1. 04th February 2013
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Muslims are establishing “microstates” in portions of European cities where non-Muslims are warned not to enter and Sharia law prevails.  In Muslim-controlled neighborhoods of cities in England, France, Belgium, Holland, Germany and Sweden, non-Muslim residents and businesses are harassed, police and firefighters are pelted with stones and streets are barricaded...


Chaos in Egypt.

  1. 01st February 2013
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

The growing civil unrest in Egypt has prompted the head of the Egyptian Army to comment that political unrest is pushing the state to “the brink of collapse.”  This stark warning comes from the institution that ran the country until last year’s first free election (Reuters, January 27, 2013).  Egyptians are rebelling over the power grab by their new,...


World’s first “gay” Bible published.

  1. 30th January 2013
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

In December, the new Queen James Version (QJV) of the Holy Bible was published in the U.S. and made available for sale (Australian Women’s Weekly, December 18, 2012). Its cover shows a rainbow cross (depicting gay pride) and its purpose is to edit Bible verses that condemn homosexuality, so homophobic interpretations become impossible (ibid.).


Russia-China relationship deepens.

  1. 28th January 2013
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

As the United States shifts its foreign policy focus from the Middle East to Asia, Russia and China are strengthening their relationship to defend against the perceived U.S. military threat. The U.S. and Australia signed a pact stationing 2,500 U.S. Marines in Australia to boost their Pacific strength against a more aggressive China (New York Times, April 4,...

