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Declining Church Attendance and Public Health

For decades, Europeans have not been outwardly religious, yet the United States has been different—until recently. In 1975, most Americans (68 percent) viewed organized religion with confidence, but that has dropped to 36 percent (Christianity Today, October 19, 2021). This decline in confidence in organized religion has also contributed to a continued decline in church attendance.

Barbados Leaves the Queen

“Barbados, a former British colony, will… ditch Queen Elizabeth as head of state, breaking its last remaining imperial bonds with Britain nearly 400 years since the first English ship arrived at the Caribbean island” (, November 24, 2021). The current Governor General will be sworn in as the new President of Barbados.

Letters to TW

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Mark 13:37 | “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

Algorithms of Addiction

Has digital addiction come between you and your family? Is your kids’ screen time too much? What about your own? Learn the key to making a difference!
