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Locust Plague in South Africa

Right on the heels of close to a decade of drought, South Africa’s farmland is being devastated by ravenous locust swarms that have exploded due to long-awaited rains (MSN, March 15, 2022).

Your Talking Bones

Skeletons often evoke thoughts of death. We also tend to view them as the simple “support structure” of the body. Medical science has long understood that bones manufacture both white and red blood cells, provide a storehouse for calcium and other minerals, and possess remarkable healing properties. However, recent research demonstrates there is even more to bones that meets the eye!

Ukraine Seeks Vatican Mediation

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky recently spoke to Pope Francis by video call—the second such call in a month (Catholic News Agency, March 22, 2022). President Zelensky thanked the Pope for his prayers for the Ukrainian people and he apprised the Pope of the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Ukraine.

Declining Respect for Western Leaders

When world leaders met last week in Brussels to discuss the Russia and Ukraine situation, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was not invited (The Independent, March 24, 2022). When Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau addressed the European parliament about Western nations standing together in defense of democracy, many members of parliament took the opportunity to rail at Trudeau for his recent actions.

Where Is Our Anger Leading Us?

Editor in Chief: Gerald E. Weston

Are the divisions and disputes in our world tearing society apart, even at the spiritual level? Who is pulling our strings and pushing us to anger and strife, and how badly does the world need Christ’s return?
