News | Page 60 | Tomorrow's World


A Uniquely Special Throne

Westminster Abbey backlit by sunrise

The death of Queen Elizabeth II is indisputably the end of an era. But what does the future hold for the British royal family—and the world—before Jesus Christ returns?

The Meeting Tree

The meeting tree

For escaped slaves traveling the Underground Railroad, a heritage tree in Ontario was a symbol of freedom. But Who will bring true freedom to a world enslaved by sin?

The Leadership Crisis

Johnson, Truss, Sunak portrait

Is effective leadership in danger of extinction? The Bible prophesies end-time changes in world leadership and promises a time in the near future when one righteous world government will rule.

EU Military Force Moves Ahead

Foreign and defense ministers in the European Union recently released a draft plan that details the development of a joint military force capable of rapid deployment (Reuters, November 16, 2022). The draft documents call for a force of up to 5,000 troops to be ready by 2025, composed of land, sea, and air components.

India-Russia Ties Are Growing

India is one of the few nations in the world that did not criticize Russia’s military actions in the Ukraine (Deutsche Welle, November 8, 2022). In their fifth meeting together this year, the foreign ministers from India and Russia discussed closer trade ties and cooperation in the areas of space travel and nuclear energy.
