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Natural Selection or Creation?

Did life as we know it today evolve from nothing? Or was there a deliberate starting point from which all life as we know it today was created?

The Bible says in Genesis 1:1 that the life we see in our world today had a definite beginning. In verse 11 we see that plant life was created. In verse 20 we see that fish, sea creatures, and birds were created. In verse 24, other living creatures made their appearance at God's command. And then came the ultimate creation—humankind, made in the image of God.

Kosovo - Beginning of the Prophesied Tribulation?

The world has been witnessing one of the worst humanitarian disasters since World War II. The Balkans crisis has exacted a tragic human toll. According to NATO Spokesman Jamie Shea, over 912,000 ethnic Albanians have been made homeless or driven from the province of Kosovo. They've been subjected to oppression, atrocities, rape and murder. What will be the solution to their problem? What can the world learn from this? Where is this tragedy heading? Is it the beginning of the prophesied Great Tribulation?
