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Should Christians Observe the Day of Atonement?

Many of you are aware that Jews around the world are about to observe the Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur in the Hebrew language. It is a day of fasting during which Jews all around the world abstain totally from food and water for a full 24 hours, humbling themselves before God. But did you know that many thousands of true Christians all over the world are also observing the Day of Atonement? Why would they do that?

Is There a Cure for AIDS?

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome-commonly known as AIDS-has affected the entire globe, but is nowhere more devastating in its effect than on the continent of Africa. Callisto Madavo, vice president of the World Bank African region, recently said: "Too much of Africa will enter the 21st Century watching the gains of the 20th evaporate." Madavo's comments flowed from the fact that AIDS is wiping out economic achievements of the past century in large parts of Africa.


What is the greatest catastrophe that can befall mankind? Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts and floods are common in today's news, and all of these events cause destruction bringing injury, suffering and death where they occur in populated areas. In the aftermath of these disasters, journalists commonly state as they describe the devastation: "The area looks like a war zone!"

Celebrating Origins

So, it's the Fourth of July (in the U.S.A.)—big deal! Are national holidays like this really important?

Drought and Weather Related Calamities

What's wrong with the weather? As part of the United States experiences heat-wave conditions, fear of drought and its consequences are heightening in many states. Is there cause for worry? Does God cause drought? Are droughts and floods just flip sides of a "weather coin?" What can we know about current and future droughts—are they prophesied in the Bible?
