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Prophecy vs. the Gospel?

In some religious circles, professing Christians argue that preaching Bible prophecy is irrelevant, or even contrary, to preaching the Gospel message! Bible prophecy may be an interesting topic, they say, but prophecy is not significant to our salvation. Is that true? Many professing Christians believe that the gospel is only about the person of Christ, and they ignore what He preached. So, let's first of all examine what the author of true Christianity preached. What gospel did Jesus the Messiah preach? Did His message oppose Bible prophecy?

Pandora's Box

In recent years, amazing progress has been made in mapping the genetic blueprint of many bacteria and viruses that can cause human disease. The more we understand the genetic code of these microbes, the greater the promise of learning to control their deadly nature. Researchers have held out the possibility of developing new vaccines and antibiotics for all sorts of deadly human diseases.

The Impossible Dream

Years ago, the "Beatles' guru"—Maharishi Mahesh Yogi—declared that he had a plan to destroy world terrorism. Maharishi was known to have made the appeal that "with $1 billion he could train 40,000 expert meditators"—who would generate enough "good vibes" to save the world.

Origins of the Universe

The debate has raged for more than a century over the question of the origins of the universe. Has the universe always existed? If not, when did it come into existence—and how did it come into existence?

The Bible: History Recorded in Advance

Not only does God talk about Jerusalem in the Bible, but many of the other cities and nations of the ancient world—their future—is described right in the pages of your own Bible. Now back in the same general time period when Jerusalem and Judah were reduced to captive parts of the Babylonian Empire, there was another great city state right on the Mediterranean. It was the city of Tyre. This was a city-state that had existed for centuries; it was a major commercial center. Tyre was part of a major commercial empire that included the entire Mediterranean world. The city of Carthage in North Africa had been founded as its colony.
