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Letters to TW

Letters to TW

I would like to thank the Editor in Chief, Mr. Gerald Weston, for your brand-new booklet Germany in Prophecy. I would love to read it. It is interesting to learn about the connection between the ancient nations and the modern nations. Mr. Weston is gifted, talented, and articulate, discerning interpretation in what the Holy Bible is telling us. It helps me to understand clearly about what is happening to our “modern world.” Please send me What Is the Meaning of Life? Thank you so much.

—Subscriber in Tasmania


News text with magnifying glass

Mark 13:37 | “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

The Betrayal of Innocence

Paper chain family

Loving others means condemning sin. Guard your children’s minds against the corrupting influence of sexualization and “gender movements.”

The Problem with Alice

Alice Springs view from hill

Is there a future for those whose lives have been affected by the scourge of alcohol addiction?

Our Wonderfully Round Earth

Flat Earth or not

Flat-Earth theory has gained a lot of followers and publicity. But it has not gained the support of everyday observations or the Bible, both of which are very comfortable on a very round Earth.
