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Three Dangerous Lies of Evolution

Does it matter what we believe about the origin of human beings? How far can we trust our senses, or the findings of modern science?  And are we aware of the ruinous consequences of blindly accepting the materialist worldview promoted by many evolutionists?  You need to guard against falsehoods that can destroy your faith and your future!

God Controls the Weather

Why do massive hurricanes destroy billions of dollars of property and kill thousands of innocent people?  Why do tornadoes and floods and droughts destroy crops and livelihoods?  Is the Almighty God trying to send rebellious mankind a message?  What is that message?  The answer may surprise you!

Men vs. God

Britain has joined the growing club of nations that have legalized homosexual marriage, including the Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, Norway, Argentina and others (BBC, March 29, 2014). Following the legalization, Prime Minister David Cameron wrote, “This weekend is an important moment for our country. It says we are a country that will continue to honour its proud traditions of respect, tolerance and equal worth” (ibid.). “Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg said ‘Britain will be a different place’ as a result” (ibid.). 

Pope Greets Evangelicals: A New Brotherhood?

During a meeting of Evangelical Pentecostal leaders organized by televangelist Kenneth Copeland, an engaging Evangelical Anglican Bishop (Tony Palmer) called for reconciliation and brotherhood between Evangelicals and Roman Catholics—pointing out that all “Christians” are catholic in the truest sense of the word (Catholic World News, February 21, 2014; YouTube, March 2, 2014). 

G8 Removes Russia!

In the wake of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, the G8 reduced its ranks to 7 by excluding Russia from its emergency meeting in Brussels last week. The group also cancelled a June G8 meeting in Russia and moved it to Brussels (EU Observer, March 25, 2014), citing Russia’s actions and beliefs that are “not consistent” with the other G8 nations (ibid.).
