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Many Britons Believe Christ Was Not Real

In a recent survey of more than 4,000 Britons, the Church of England and two other religious organizations came to better understand the nation’s declining faith. “The figures found while 57% classified themselves as Christian, fewer than 10% read the Bible and prayed regularly, or go to church at least once a month” (BBC, October 31, 2015). Also, “four in 10 people did not believe Jesus was a real person, with a quarter of 18 to 34 year olds believing he was a mythical or fictional character” (ibid.).

Russia Strategically Challenges the United States

Russia is now extending its military far beyond its eastern borders—and it seeks to dictate the U.S.’s response. On September 30, a Russian general delivered a message to the U.S. Embassy in Bagdad: “The Russia military would begin air strikes in neighboring Syria within the hour—and the American military should clear the area immediately” (Military Times, October 5, 2015).

ISIS Threatens Every Jew

“The brutal Islamic State (ISIS) terror group published a threatening video in Hebrew on Friday morning, intended for the Israeli public… the ISIS terrorist warns that ‘the true war hasn’t yet started, what you’ve experienced until now is a child’s war compared to what will happen soon. We promise you that not a single Jew will be left in the entire country... we are getting closer to you from every place…” (Israel National News, October 23, 2015).

Arab Immigration Forcing Europe To Act

“9,000 people a day have been crossing into Greece. And on Sunday alone, the government of Slovenia—a country of two million—said 15,000 people arrived at their border. Without agreeing concrete steps soon... Prime Minister Miro Cerar [of Slovenia] said Europe ‘will start to fall apart’. It’s already splintering” (BBC, October 26, 2015). In the shadow of this crisis, right-wing groups are pushing against immigration.

Looming Financial Woes

The United States of America and other Israelite nations (the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and nations of northwest European descent) have enjoyed unprecedented financial prosperity for the last two centuries. The pound and the dollar have been the world's reserve currencies and the recognized medium of exchange for world trade for several hundred years. However, this privileged and preeminent position is changing, and dramatic reversals are going to impact the Israelite nations as ancient Bible prophecies come alive in the years just ahead.
